Monthly Archives: February 2022

Lots of pizza

I had taken two days off - Monday and Tuesday - because I needed an extra long weekend following all my hard work. So I had a great opportunity to cook for my freezer. I haven't had pizza for a long time, and I think it's a must-have in my freezer. It's easy to prepare - even when it's frozen - when I've forgotten about food for dinner.

I had bought some chicken, pork, minced beef, and mushrooms. Everything was individually roasted on a pan, and then I created a lot of pizzas. In total, I made eight pizzas, of which three are going to be delivered to my mom. She also loves it when she has homemade pizza in the freezer.

Pizza dough
Now I can make more pizzas

Eight workdays in a row

I'm not saying this to complain about my work hours, because I know there are a lot of people that work more hours than I do. But I am tired. I need to relax after having worked eight days in a row. The worst part is not the amount of work but the total lack of planning from my boss. I'm frustrated because my boss doesn't plan anything.

One and a half weeks ago, my boss told me to complete the process of reimaging our computers with Windows 10 21H2. One of my colleagues was working on it, but my boss didn't believe he would finish before the deadline, which was on Monday. So the assignment was mine, even though I had Thursday off, and I had a consultant showing up on Friday. Fair enough, I don't mind working hard to make a deadline when my boss needs it.

My first surprise was that the process of reimaging our computers wasn't as far along as I thought. My colleague had taken the easy way every time something was a bit difficult. That meant more work for me. The result was that I worked Saturday and Sunday to have everything done by Monday. One small thing had to be corrected Monday, and then the assignment was finished.

My boss had Monday through Wednesday off, but he told me that the helpdesk would begin reimaging computers Monday and hand them out to our users. But the helpdesk was busy handing out new iPads and didn't have time for reimaging the computers. When my boss came to work on Thursday, the helpdesk still hadn't handed out a single computer. And my boss had told me that I shouldn't do it. So, I felt as if I had been working hard for no good reason.

This weekend, I did a lot of practical things that I didn't have time for last weekend. I have, of course, also been relaxed, which I needed very much.

My hue lights outside
My outdoor lighting with Hue LED lights

My cars first damage

I was on my way to my saxophone lesson when I saw some strange dirt on the hood of my car. I expected it to be dirt, but when I studied it up close and put my finger to it, I saw that there was a dent and two scratches on the hood of my car.

I drove around in my old car for nine years without getting one dent. I have only had this car for six months, and I already have a dent in it. I have difficulty understanding how the dent was made. Has something fallen on the hood of my car? If yes, shouldn't there be at least two dents?

While I'm driving to my lesson I'm thinking about what to do. I can't ask my dad for advice, and I'm not sure whether or not the scratches should be repaired now or later when the weather is warmer.

I decide to drive by the workshop after my lesson and let them give me some advice. As always, they are very service minded and take a look at the hood of my car. In their opinion, it is a stone from another car that has created the damage. I have two options. One is to have the two scratches repaired. The price is around 70€. The other option is two get the entire hood repainted. That is going to cost around 1000€. Damn, it is a pity when the car is almost new. If the damage had been on my old car I would have chosen the cheap option, but it is a shame on such a new car. The workshop mentions that my insurance company might pay for the repair, and I decide to call them and ask.

The next day I call my insurance company and if the damage is, as I describe it, they will cover most of the cost for the repair. Of course, they need to see the car before they can make a final decision. The workshop contacts me the next day and we make an appointment for my car. I have decided to get the hood of my car repainted regardless of what the insurance company says. I'm curious about how big the bill will be.

Scratches on the hood of my car
The two scratches - the dent cannot be seen

New showerhead

Yeah, I know, it's a trivial thing, but it is something that I should have done a long time ago. It started three to four years ago. Every time I was away from home for a week or more, I came home to a showerhead that had water leaking from everywhere. In the beginning, the showerhead went back to normal after one shower. After two years, it took more and more showers before the showerhead went back to normal.

In the last couple of months, the problem with the showerhead has become permanent. The problem got worse, so I took action and ordered a new showerhead. To be honest, I really don't care about which showerhead I have, so I ordered one that looked similar to the one I had.

I anticipated that the shower hose would be difficult to unscrew because it has been sitting there for 14 years. So I also ordered a new shower hose. I took a couple of pliers and went to work. Before using the pliers, I tried to unscrew the hose by hand. To my surprise, the hose came off without a hitch.

I soaked the sealing ring and the end of the shower hose in water and vinegar and went for a walk. When I returned, everything was clean and lime-free. I installed the new showerhead, and now I only have water coming out of the holes that are designed for it :-)

Old showerhead
The old showerhead
New showerhead
My new showerhead