I’m pleased about the start of the year. I’ve been able to do more than I’ve been doing in the last couple of years. When I look back on January, I’m happy.
I’ve been doing status over my goals and habits during January and discovered that I need to change how I do things. First, I must turn down my expectations regarding my habits. I want to complete my goals - even on bad days. If I have a day with migraine or if I have a day where I don’t want to do anything, I still have to be able to complete my goals. I’m looking forward to seeing how I manage in February.
I’ve started spring cleaning the house, and it’s about time. In the past, I did it during the year so that every room was deeply cleaned every year. I want to do that again. But I’ve also considered reducing the frequency, so I do it every second year.
I’ve also considered my dream of a homepage with reviews of play-along sheet music in January. I’ve realized that I have too many projects in progress. I’ve decided to complete two of my projects before July 1st before I start building a new homepage. The first project is to write all the missing blog posts for this homepage. The second project is to reorganize my sheet music. After completing those two projects, I’ll have time to make a new homepage. I’ll most likely also have to reduce the number of blog posts on this homepage, which is ok.
What I’ve not done during January is play music. I need to play more regularly again. I aim to play a couple of melodies without the sheet music, and I haven’t started yet. And then I created one more project :-) Well, I’m starting to plan the missing blog posts before I plan the music.