New big band conductor ๐ŸŽบ

We got a new conductor in the big band. It is still unclear whether it is permanent or only lasts until the summer of 2025, but at the moment, Iโ€™m enjoying learning something on Mondays.

The new conductor is excellent and teaches us to play swing. Yes, it sounds silly, but most of the musicians donโ€™t know how to do it. And that is kind of crazy since most of the music we are playing is swing, and several musicians have played in the big band for more than ten years!

We are getting better, and it is great to be challenged. The conductor also has a better overview than the old one. He hears when someone isnโ€™t playing what is written in the sheet music, and then he corrects it. And suddenly, everything sounds a lot better. Not everyone is happy about it, but I think itโ€™s great. How will we improve if we donโ€™t get corrected when we play something wrong?

Iโ€™m looking forward to hearing the result with this conductor in 6 months or so.

Part of the pathway before the weed was removed
Before the gardeners work
Part of a pathway without weed
After the gardeners work

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