In my former house, I was able to repair the taps when they started to drip by taking them apart, cleaning them, and replacing the rubber rings. It was nice to be able to do small things like that myself. Unfortunately, that is not the case in my current house.
The thermostat in the shower mixer hasn’t worked since summer last year, so I bought a new one last year, but I haven’t gotten around to replacing it yet. The shower mixer had started dripping, so it was time to replace it with the one I bought. I thought it was easy, but I couldn’t unscrew the old shower mixer and was afraid I would do something wrong. I called a plumber to do the work and asked him to check the valves underneath my sinks.
The first bath with the new shower mixer went fine, but a couple of hours later, I noticed that it was dripping. I still had the old one, so I thought I could take it apart and find out which rubber ring should be replaced. How hard could that be? It turned out that it was very hard because it was impossible to take the shower mixer apart, whether it was the old one or the new one.
Then, I tried replacing the cartridge in the bathroom sink tap because it was leaking. Again, I failed. I removed the screw, but I couldn’t remove the cover, and now the water was running out of the tap. Damn. I closed the valves under the sink and called the plumber again. This time, another person showed up, and he couldn’t remove the cover either, so I decided to order new taps.
I decided to order a more advanced kitchen tap than the one that I had. I wanted to try a tap with a pull-out spout, and I’m looking forward to using it.
Finally, everything works as expected. It took four weeks to sort everything out, but finally, nothing is dripping or leaking, which makes me happy.