Tag Archives: Certificering

Microsoft certificering

Knap har man vænnet sig til, at Microsoft har lavet om på navngivningen af deres certificeringer, før de indfører noget nyt… eller er det gammelt? Jeg synes, det er forvirrende, at de har lavet nogle nye certificeringer, men at de har genbrugt forkortelsen for nogle af de gamle – MCSA og MCSE. På den anden side skal man vel ikke brokke sig, når man får noget forærende, vel? Jeg fik nemlig uden varsel en mail, hvor der stod, at jeg havde fået en ekstra titel.

Så nu har jeg flere MCSA’er, men de betyder noget forskelligt. Før i tiden stod det for Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (eller Engineer, hvis det var MCSE), nu står det for Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (eller Expert, hvis det er MCSE). Jeg gad nok vide, hvem der har fået den tossede ide at genbruge forkortelser. Jeg ved godt, at MCSA/MCSE stammer fra Win2000/Win2003 tiden, men Windows 2003 bruges stadig rigtig mange steder, og så blander man pludselig tingene sammen. For nu har MCSA/MCSE noget at gøre med Cloud løsninger og Windows 2008 (for dem som ikke ved det, så hedder det MCITP i stedet for MCSE i Windows 2008 certificeringsvejen). Men som sagt, så kan jeg bare konkludere, at jeg har endnu en titel, som jeg kan føje til listen, og så må jeg finde ud af, om jeg vil gå efter en MCSE: Private Cloud. 

Microsoft certification

Endnu en MCITP

Dybt suk – så lykkedes det at få endnu en MCITP titel. Den var den sidste Windows 7 eksamen i rækken, og den sidste eksamen i denne omgang. Det var ellers meningen, at det først skulle være om et par uger, men pga rokering af arbejdsopgaver passede det bedre, hvis jeg tog den nu. Jeg fik derfor pludselig travlt med at læse.

De sidste halvanden uge har jeg terpet til eksamen, og i dag skulle jeg så finde ud af, om jeg havde lært nok – og det havde jeg. Eksamen var ok, men jeg kunne godt mærke, at jeg ikke havde haft tid nok til at studere. Der var flere ting, som jeg godt kunne huske, at jeg havde læst om, men jeg kunne ikke huske detaljerne. Næste eksamen skal først være en gang i efteråret, og emnet bliver højst sandsynligt Exchange 2010, men det vides ikke med sikkerhed endnu.

Microsoft er jo en amerikansk virksomhed, så de er helt vilde med titler men også med de her certifikater, som man kan hænge på væggen. Og jeg er fra flere sider blevet opfordret til at hænge mine certifikater op på væggen i mit kontor. Jeg har nemlig opnået 15 certifikater i alt, så det ville på sin vis være meget sjovt at have dem hængende. Man glemmer hurtigt, hvor meget man egentlig har været igennem. De 15 certifikater dækker over i alt 16 eksaminer. 

Microsoft certification

En MCITP bestået

Årets første eksamen er nu vel overstået. Det er planen, at jeg skal bestå 4 Microsoft eksaminer i år, og den første er nu bestået. De 2 første eksaminer er planlagt til at være Windows 7 eksaminer, og denne gang var det så den eksamen, der gav mig titlen MCITP: Enterprise Desktop Support Technician 7. Jeg har ikke helt forstået, hvorfor Microsoft har besluttet, at de titler skal være så lange. Der er jo ingen, som kan huske dem. Det betyder, at jeg nu har 3 MCITP titler.

Det har været en travl periode på arbejdet, så jeg var lidt spændt på, hvordan det ville gå til eksamen. Det startede selvfølgelig med, at selve eksamen skulle drille. Den ville ikke starte, men efter den blev sat på plads af teknikeren, så kørte det. Eksamen var lang, og den var svær, syntes jeg. Måske også fordi jeg til dagligt ikke fejlfinder f.eks. Internet Explorer og plug-ins. Og jeg kender intet til tidszone problematikker – det er begrænset, hvor mange tidszoner, der er i en virksomhed, som kun befinder sig på en adresse!

Næste eksamen er, som nævnt, også en Windows 7 eksamen, og så skulle Windows 7 vist også være uddebatteret. Den foreløbige plan er, at jeg skal til eksamen i slutningen af juni, men det afhænger lige af et par ting på arbejdet. 

Microsoft Certification

The last exam is passed

Before Christmas, I succeeded in passing the last Microsoft exam for now. That means that I have upgraded my MCSE to an MCITP: Enterprise Administrator. It was hard work since I had to work full time at the same time. It would have been nice if there had been less pressure at work, but, well, I cannot demand everything. The exams were passed with good results, and I started the holiday vacation with a good conscience and a great mood.

The question is whether I am done taking Microsoft exams for now. To this my answer is no, I am not done. It is a good way for me to acquire new knowledge. The standard Microsoft courses are not for me, and studying by myself is more productive. Therefore, I plan to take 3-4 exams next year.

Next year also brings a new colleague, and that is something I am looking forward to. It will be nice not to be the only one that can carry out certain tasks. I am also looking forward to having more time for acquiring new knowledge and follow trends which also makes it more obvious to take a couple of Microsoft exams. And with the anticipation of an Exchange 2010 project at work, it would be silly not to take the corresponding exams. 

Microsoft certification

One more exam passed

Microsoft exam no. three was passed last Friday. It was the upgrade exam from the old Windows 2003 exams to the new Windows 2008 exams and thereby also the new titles from Microsoft. The exam covered 3 core exams, and the exam was split accordingly. That is, there were three sections, and each section had to be passed with a score of 70% or higher. One section only had nine questions, so the answer to seven of those questions had to be correct. But it went well, and I am now an MCITP: Server Administrator. The last exam is scheduled to be in two weeks, and after that, I can relax while having a Christmas vacation.

The last couple of weeks have been booked with reading plans for the exam, and believe me when I say that there is a lot of ground to cover for an upgrade exam. And since it covers several topics, there is room for a wide variety of questions. So, last weekend was planned relaxation.

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot - we have bought an XBOX Kinect. So we have been jumping around waving and kicking, which have been resulting in sore muscles - but it is very funny. And because of the Kinect, we have invited our neighbors for this weekend so that we can jump around and laugh at ourselves. It is highly recommended. We also own a Wii, which we use a lot, but it is different and fun when you don't need a controller to play the games. The question now is whether or not I will be able to persuade my boyfriend to buy a dancing game so that I can watch all his 'trendy' moves... 


1 more exam passed

Last Friday was the day I passed Microsoft exam no. 2. It was the exam that I expected would be the toughest - and I also thought that it was touch - but I apparently didn’t have any trouble getting the answers right - I got 95% correct. So now I can start my vacation with a good feeling.

I must say, though, that it has been a couple of busy weeks. I’ve been busy with all the applications we got in response to our job advertisement. We got approximately 280. The list with the lucky applicants that will be called in for an interview had to be ready Thursday last week, which was also the day that I had planned for exam preparation. So it was a little hectic. My vacation starts this Friday so there are also some things that have to be done - and at the same time, we are also having the interviews.

I have also received my IR-thingy. I received it one week after I ordered it. I think that was quick! Unfortunately, I haven’t had the time to test it yet, so you’ll hear more about it some other time.

And I’ve been working! Hard labor. Two weekends in a row I’ve been visiting my parents together with my boyfriend because we had to spread 6 m3 of wood splinters (sorry, I have no idea what it’s called in English) in their flower beds. That’s hard work for an office worker like me. It’s also a little bit ironic that we help my parents in their garden while we are having a gardener doing ours. Well, maybe it’s also a bigger project. I have also received my IR-thingy. I received it one week after I ordered it. I think that was quick! Unfortunately, I haven’t had the time to test it yet, so you’ll hear more about it some other time. 


1 exam passed

The first of several Microsoft exams are passed. I already have an MCSE+Security certification from Microsoft, but it is based on Windows 2003, so it is about time to get it upgraded to Windows 2008. Thursday, I passed the first exam relatively easily. In total, I have to pass four exams, so that leaves three more to go.

I hope that I will be able to pass one more exam before summer vacation, even though I am very busy at work.
