Tag Archives: Hus

New heating control system ♨️

I’ve got a new system for controlling the floor heating in my house. The old system from Uponor wasn’t that good. Fifteen years ago, it probably was great, but time has passed, and it is now outdated. Furthermore, I’ve replaced the control box once, and my neighbors have changed their control box twice. So, without a doubt, my control box wouldn’t last much longer. That’s why I decided to replace the system within the next couple of years.

The plumber who helped me a while ago gave me a price for a new system, and I decided to take him up on the offer. The new system is installed, and I’m very pleased. As you can see in the pictures below, the temperature on the old thermostats from Uponor was not visible, so when I wanted to adjust the temperature, I had to guess how much to adjust the thermostat. I also didn’t know how to adjust the dial and had to look it up in the manual.

Luckily, both problems are solved with the new thermostats (see picture). I can see the current temperature in the room and the set temperature. Everything can be controlled via an app on my phone or the individual thermostats. It is easy and very intuitive.

Old room thermostats
Old thermostat
New room thermostats
New thermostat

Decorating the dining area 🌸

For some time, I have been thinking about how to decorate the wall in my dining area. Earlier, a picture was hanging on the wall, but it looked weird because the picture wasn’t big enough.

Last year, I bought Santa Claus in his sled as stickers and put them on the wall. I didn’t know how difficult it would be to take it down, but it was very easy, and the stickers didn’t leave any residue on the wall. So, I took the chance and bought stickers with a cherry tree. After spending some time cleaning the wall and putting the stickers on it, I’m very happy with the result. One thing that is missing is more colors. It would look great with something green, but I’ve also seen stickers with blue blossoms, which would look fantastic with the pink tree.

The picture isn’t great, but avoiding the shine from the stickers was difficult. The wall is light yellow, so the pink contrast is pretty.

Cherry tree wall sticker

Worthless at fixing taps 🚰

In my former house, I was able to repair the taps when they started to drip by taking them apart, cleaning them, and replacing the rubber rings. It was nice to be able to do small things like that myself. Unfortunately, that is not the case in my current house.

The thermostat in the shower mixer hasn’t worked since summer last year, so I bought a new one last year, but I haven’t gotten around to replacing it yet. The shower mixer had started dripping, so it was time to replace it with the one I bought. I thought it was easy, but I couldn’t unscrew the old shower mixer and was afraid I would do something wrong. I called a plumber to do the work and asked him to check the valves underneath my sinks.

The first bath with the new shower mixer went fine, but a couple of hours later, I noticed that it was dripping. I still had the old one, so I thought I could take it apart and find out which rubber ring should be replaced. How hard could that be? It turned out that it was very hard because it was impossible to take the shower mixer apart, whether it was the old one or the new one.

Then, I tried replacing the cartridge in the bathroom sink tap because it was leaking. Again, I failed. I removed the screw, but I couldn’t remove the cover, and now the water was running out of the tap. Damn. I closed the valves under the sink and called the plumber again. This time, another person showed up, and he couldn’t remove the cover either, so I decided to order new taps.

I decided to order a more advanced kitchen tap than the one that I had. I wanted to try a tap with a pull-out spout, and I’m looking forward to using it.

Finally, everything works as expected. It took four weeks to sort everything out, but finally, nothing is dripping or leaking, which makes me happy.

My new kitchen tip with pull-out

Ring alarm system🚨

I’ve had two Netatmo indoor security cameras for a few years but wasn’t happy with them. It was impossible to get them to cooperate so that the sirene didn’t go off when I got home. Besides that, there were too many false positives. The advantage of Netatmo is that every recording is saved locally on an SD card in the camera - no cloud. One of the cameras became faulty a couple of months ago, and I’ve also disconnected the

I want two things from an alarm system. I want to be notified if someone is in my house when I’m not home, and I want to know if I closed the garden door. One time, I forgot to close the garden door, and it was not funny being away from home and not knowing whether or not the door was shut. I have looked for replacements for the Netatmo system, but I’m unhappy about the cloud solutions. Meanwhile, I’ve become satisfied with the Ring camera and doorbell I purchased. So, when I received an offer for their alarm system, I bought it.

I’ve put up two motion sensors and two door sensors. The door sensors are much better than the ones from Netatmo, and the motion sensors don’t give false positives, so I’m happy overall. I still need to fine-tune the system, but in general, everything works smoothly. The default setting is to allow me 30 seconds to disarm the system when I get home, but I’ve changed that, so everything goes to sleep mode for 15 minutes when I get near the house. That way, I can take my time when I get home with my hands full without panicking because I only have 30 seconds to disarm the system.

The only thing that annoys me now is the chime I bought with the doorbell. It keeps on chiming even though the doorbell is in sleep mode. I think that it’s me who doesn’t know how to fix it. 😃

Ring base station
Base station
Ring indoor cam and battery cam comparison
Comparison between indoor camera (left) and camera with battery (right)

A little color on the dining table 🍽️

Sometimes, I ask too much about the inventory in my home. I’m very happy with my dining table with a white laminate surface, but when the felt mats I want for it can only be bought in grey, the table becomes colorless and dull.

This Christmas, I bought a table runner with gold stars that looked very pretty, so I bought a ‘real’ table runner to give the table some color. Of course, I need different colors depending on my mood or the season, so I’m looking for a yellow one for easter.

Table runner in blue

Great start on the year 👍

I’m pleased about the start of the year. I’ve been able to do more than I’ve been doing in the last couple of years. When I look back on January, I’m happy.

I’ve been doing status over my goals and habits during January and discovered that I need to change how I do things. First, I must turn down my expectations regarding my habits. I want to complete my goals - even on bad days. If I have a day with migraine or if I have a day where I don’t want to do anything, I still have to be able to complete my goals. I’m looking forward to seeing how I manage in February.

I’ve started spring cleaning the house, and it’s about time. In the past, I did it during the year so that every room was deeply cleaned every year. I want to do that again. But I’ve also considered reducing the frequency, so I do it every second year.

I’ve also considered my dream of a homepage with reviews of play-along sheet music in January. I’ve realized that I have too many projects in progress. I’ve decided to complete two of my projects before July 1st before I start building a new homepage. The first project is to write all the missing blog posts for this homepage. The second project is to reorganize my sheet music. After completing those two projects, I’ll have time to make a new homepage. I’ll most likely also have to reduce the number of blog posts on this homepage, which is ok.

What I’ve not done during January is play music. I need to play more regularly again. I aim to play a couple of melodies without the sheet music, and I haven’t started yet. And then I created one more project :-) Well, I’m starting to plan the missing blog posts before I plan the music.

Before I cleaned the shower
The floor in the shower before cleaning
After I cleaned the shower
The floor in the shower after cleaning

Fall decorations

Jeg er blevet lidt skør på mine gamle dage. Jeg kan nemlig godt lide at pynte en smule op til de forskellige årstider. Ideen med at pynte op til efteråret kommer faktisk fra en tur til Tyskland. Vi var i et stort supermarked, og der var diverse pynt til efteråret. Jeg studsede lidt, men jeg kunne godt lide ideen med at få noget positivt ud af efteråret.

Jeg kan virkelig godt lide alle de mange farver, som planterne præsenterer, når det bliver efterår, men samtidig hører jeg også ofte, hvor kedeligt det er, at det bliver mørkere, mere gråt, vådt og koldt. Jeg glæder mig stadig over farverne, og nu gør jeg det også til noget hyggeligt. Jeg har i år købt noget nyt pynt til vinduerne, og det ser bare godt ud. Og nej, det er ikke fordi jeg fylder huset, men jeg har et par steder, som altid bliver pyntet. På muren i mit køkken alrum og på TV bordet – så er det efterår.

Fall decorations on my windows

Poster til køle/fryseskabet

Jeg er træt af mit køle/fryseskab. Det har en rustfri stål overflade, og den ser altid beskidt ud. Det er umuligt at gøre den ren, selvom jeg har prøvet alle mulige ‘vidunder’ midler. Og i øvrigt også almindelige rengøringsprodukter. Og nu kunne du så spørge, hvorfor jeg ikke bare valgte en hvid overflade.

Svaret er, at der jeg i mit gamle hus skulle købe et nyt køleskab, så valgte jeg at købe et Electrolux køle/fryseskab med rustfri stål overfalde. Jeg blev det frarådet, fordi det skulle være svært at holde, men dengang overhørte jeg rådet. Til alles overraskelse, så var det utrolig nemt at holde rent, og det gav en flot udseende, fordi jeg havde trælåger. Derfor var jeg ikke bange for at vælge samme overfalde, da jeg skulle køle/fryseskab til dette hus. Eneste forskel var, at jeg skulle vælge et Bosch eller Siemens, så det gjorde jeg. Det første, jeg bemærkede, var, at håndtaget også var i rustfri stål. På Electrolux var det i plastik, og det giver god mening, da det er der, de fleste fedtede fingre havner. Men at overfalden skulle være så svær at holde ren, det havde jeg ikke forestillet mig.

Nu har jeg taget skridtet og købt ‘et stort klistermærke’, som dækker overfalden. Jeg har ikke tidligere villet gøre det, fordi jeg var bange for, hvordan det ville se ud, når jeg tog klistermærket af. Men nu er jeg ligeglad. Så jeg har ledt efter noget, som jeg synes er pænt, og som passer til mit køkken/alrum.

Det var ikke helt nemt at sætte på, og der er også en del luftbobler, men jeg er den eneste, som ser dem. Generelt er jeg meget tilfreds med resultatet.

Poster on my refrigerator

Beskyttelse til computerbord

I mange år havde jeg et gennemsigtigt skriveunderlag liggende på mit skrivebord. Jeg ville gerne beskytte træet, men det var irriterende. Når jeg havde det en smule varmt, så klistrede det til mine arme, og det var irriterende. Jeg synes også, at det blev beskidt på undersiden, hvilket irriterede mig. Så på et tidspunkt fjernede jeg det, og det har jeg sådan set været glad for. Der er har kun været et minus – træet kræver mere vedligeholdelse der, hvor det har kontakt med min hud. Derfor besluttede jeg efter slibning og oliering af bordet, at jeg ville forsøge mig med et skriveunderlag igen. Så jeg henvendte mig til min inspirationskilde – Amazon.

Jeg ville ikke have plastik, så det skulle være noget andet. Det skulle også være noget, som beskyttede bordet. Jeg fandt et, hvor den ene side er kunstigt læder, mens den anden er lavet af kork. Jeg var ikke særlig optimistisk, men jeg er blevet rigtig glad for det. Nu håber jeg, at det i længden løser mine problemer.

The desk pad in green

To nye borde

Jeg har to små borde, som står ved min stol i stuen. Jeg er utrolig glad for dem, men de ligner et par borde, der hører til på et teenage værelse. De er også ved at være gamle, og benene er ved at falde fra hinanden. Benene er samlet i en plastik fod, og nogle er dem er blevet så møre, at de falder fra hinanden. Så det er blevet tid til at finde nogle nye borde.

Jeg går i gang med at kigge på små borde. Jeg er lidt kræsen. De må ikke være for store, og jeg gider ikke runde borde. og så skal de ikke være hvide og/eller sorte. Jeg kigger på IKEA’s hjemmeside, for de har ofte noget, som ikke mange andre butikker har, og de har et bord, som jeg godt kan lide. Jeg har også været inde i et par møbelforretninger, men de har stort set kun runde borde, så det var en nitte.

Jeg beslutter mig for at købe bordene hos IKEA, selvom jeg ikke har set dem i virkeligheden. IKEA er nemlig ikke en forretning, jeg gider være i. Da bordene kommer, og jeg pakker dem ud, bliver jeg positivt overrasket. De er virkelig pæne. Så nu har jeg fået et par borde i min stue, som passer til et voksent menneske – så kan vi jo altid diskutere, om jeg passer ind nu 😊

A new (left) and old (right) small table