Tag Archives: Bevægelsessensorer

Philips Hue - Outdoor motion sensors

Wow, it takes a lot of planning to put up motion sensors for my outdoor lighting. I started by finding out how to create timers. That was an easy task, and I could program it as I wanted. The next step in the process was to figure out if I could get the motion sensors to work together. That was also possible.

I created a drawing of my house and the coverage of the sensors so that I could find out how many sensors I needed to purchase. It wasn't an easy task to balance how many sensors to buy, coverage when walking around the house, and coverage when someone approaches the house. Furthermore, the sensors can only work together in pairs. The result was the purchase of 7 motion sensors.

The coverage of the sensors depends on how high the motion sensor is placed. Therefore, I started putting up the motion sensors temporarily with double-sided adhesive. While testing, I figured out that if I programmed the sensors to work together, then I couldn't get the lighting to work as I wanted. I want my outdoor lighting to be dimmed at night. When the motion sensors are activated, I want them to turn on lights on full power. After a certain amount of time, I want them to dim the lights. When the sensors are working together in pairs, the only option after activation is to turn off the lights, and that's not how I want it to work.

I returned to the drawing board to have a look at the consequences of no sensors working together. It took some time, but now the solution is finished. I would have preferred more options in regards to the sensors being able to work together.

Overview of outdoor sensors
X is a light bulb - the shaded areas is a sensors coverage