Tag Archives: Juledekoration

Christmas decorations 2023 🎄

It has become my tradition to buy a new item for my Christmas decorations each year. This year, I discarded the Christmas decorations I hadn’t used in the last five years. It was a hard decision, but some of the Christmas decorations were given to me, and I didn’t like them, so I got tired of having them lying around taking up space. Some of the decorations are broken, so this year, I decided to throw them out also.

Of course, I have also bought some new decorations. I bought some for the windows, which looked disappointing when I received them. They looked childish, and I wasn’t sure that I wanted to put them up. I did put them up, and they look beautiful. I was very surprised and happy. They look like Christmas baubles hanging in the windows. You can see a photo of them down below.

A couple of years ago, I bought stickers for a wall in one of the rooms in my house. I was very happy with the result. This year, I bought some Christmas stickers for the wall in the family room. I was tired of the bare wall, and I wanted to decorate it this year. I loved the result; you can see the picture below.

Christmas stickers on windows
Christmas stickers on the wall

New masseuse

Normally, I'm getting treated with acupuncture and a massage every three weeks. Because of the shutdown of the country in the spring, I couldn't continue with the treatments, and I haven't heard anything from my masseuse since. I think that I've gotten by pretty good, but now I think it's time to start getting treatments again. But who should I choose as a masseuse when my old masseuse has closed her business?

Preferably, I would like to find someone in the nearest city, but I also want someone who can do other things than just give a massage. I didn't succeed in finding someone who fit those criteria. I chose someone a little farther away, and she does the treatments a lot differently than I'm used to, but that is good. And she can do so much more than only acupuncture and massage, so I'm looking forward to my next treatment.

By the way, I'm very proud of myself. I've been busy creating Christmas decorations. I thought that I would need several trial runs before I got something useful, but I succeeded on my first try. Pictures of the decorations can be seen below. Next year I just have to decide whether or not to use the same decorations or if I want to create new ones.

Christmas decoration
The first decoration (for my parents)
Christmas decoration
The second decoration (for me)
Christmas decoration
A smaller decoration for my dining table

Work weekend

I've never worked that many hours during a weekend. I worked 39 hours in total this weekend, and I still had to work today. Hopefully, I can go home early because I'm beat and extremely tired.

I had to move the data on a file server cluster to new cluster servers. Additionally, I had to review all permissions and correct any errors. I corrected a fair amount of errors, and I implemented more restrictive permissions. Therefore there was a chance that I had overlooked something which would result in users that didn't have access to their data.

We didn't get a single support case regarding the file servers or access to data which must categorize the work weekend as a success. Today it's Monday at noon, and I've just taken the rest of the day off. I can hardly keep myself together, but I'm not allowed to go to sleep because then I can't sleep tonight. However, I'm happy that the work is done.

Now I look forward to starting my new project at the end of the week. I've taken a couple of days off, and I'm planning to create Christmas decorations from artificial things. I would have preferred to have seen and bought the things in Denmark, but that was not possible. Instead, I bought a lot of different things on Amazon, and I bought extra things in case some of the things weren't useful. Luckily, I was satisfied with most of the things I received, and I'm now looking forward to getting started.

Artificial decoration things
The ingredients for artificial Christmas decorations


Julen sig nærmer, og til den hører sig juledekorationer. Der er som regel to måder at gribe sagen an på, enten køber man en eller også kaster man sig ud i at lave dem selv. Igen i år valgte jeg at lave dem selv. Så jeg lavede en aftale med en god ven, så vi kunne hygge os med at lave juledekorationer – men selvfølgelig skulle der først købes ind.

Min gode ven havde tidligere på måneden kigget på kalenderlys, så de var i hus – og leret var også købt. Men sammen tog vi ud for at kigge på diverse typer gran og pynt. Efter at have brugt en mindre formue (det er jo kun jul 1 gang om året) så var det tid til at vende næsen hjem og være kreative.

Oprindeligt var det ideen, at vi skulle lave en dekoration til os hver, og jeg skulle lave en ekstra til mine forældre. Men der var så meget til overs, at vi besluttede at lave 2 ekstra mindre dekorationer. Mine kreative evner kan ses herunder.

Christmas Decoration
Christmas Decoration
Christmas Decoration