Tag Archives: Lamper

All Hue lamps are bought

Almost a year has passed since I started the hunt for the Hue lamps that I wanted to buy. But now is the day when I have received all my Hue lamps. It has taken quite a bit of time to accomplish. The last two hue lamps were ordered in September, but I have just received them. They were worth the wait because I got them on sale - 33% off. Only one small detail is missing... I have to install them.

I've put up more Hue lamps since I last wrote about it. The lamp in the utility room has been installed together with a motion sensor. It's nice that the lights turn on automatically when it's dark, and I walk in the door. I have also bought a big lamp for the living room, and now it's possible to lighten up the living room. I have used it during the wintertime when I've played. So it's a success.

I still need to put up a Hue Sana lamp near my armchair. I want it to give pleasant indirect lighting when I watch TV. And, of course, I also need to put up the two lamps that I just received. One lamp is going up in the kitchen, and the other lamp is going up in my shed. I'm also looking forward to putting up a motion sensor in the shed.

My mom also has three hue lamps that I have to install. So I'm not bored. Each time I have to put up a lamp, I appreciate that my dad pushed me to buy a wire stripper last year. It has been worth it.

Two Philips Hue Aurelle lamps

Hue project almost finished

It's fascinating how fast I have implemented Hue products in my home. When I started buying Hue products, I didn't imagine that I would end up with all my lamps being Hue products. Furthermore, because it isn't a cheap project, I only buy the products if they are on sale.

At the moment, I have one lamp for the utility room, one lamp for the living room, and one lamp for each bathroom. The lamps will be put up when I get a visitor that wants to help me. It is almost impossible to put up those lamps by yourself. I cannot hold the lamp, push the clamps, and hold on to the wire simultaneously.

The only two lamps I have left that aren't Hue lamps are in the kitchen and the shed. I'm not sure I want to put up a Hue lamp in the shed, but it would be nice with a lamp with a motion sensor. I have experienced the lamp being on when walking into the shed even though I haven't been there the last couple of days.

I would like a big lamp in the living room so that I can provide my guests with some lighting. I prefer indirect lighting, which is not very good when you need a lot of light to see something.

I have started to hunt for a good bargain :-)

Hue lamps

Philips Hue – Ensis

Finally, I've found a lamp for my dining room that I like. I'm getting more and more thrilled about the Philips Hue products. This time I've fallen for the lamp called Ensis.

My problem with lamps over the dining table is that they often send light into the eyes of the people around the table. I'm aware that it's done so that the lamp also lights up the room, but it is rather annoying when you are sensitive to light.

My old dining table lamp had that problem. Furthermore, it used halogen light bulbs, so it was hungry for electricity. The lamp was also the only light source in the room, and it was frequently used as the light in the evening when I had visitors. That was not cheap.

Originally I wanted to buy a Hue strip and place it so that it would light upwards, thereby create indirect lighting, but when I saw the Ensis lamp, I changed my mind. The Ensis lamp is perfect because it has two separate light sources - one sends the light upwards while the other sends the light downwards. That's why I can adjust color and brightness individually, and I can use the uplight as room lighting when I have visitors. It is perfect.

Philips Hue Ensis

Ny lampe

Jeg er meget besværlig, når det gælder belysning. Derfor har vi i årevis brugt en uplight med dens indirekte belysning som eneste lyskilde i stuen. Ja da, vi har også et par lamper (halogen) hængende over sofabordet, men vi bruger dem aldrig. For selvom jeg godt kan lide halogenlyset, så irriterer det mig i længden, når vi ser tv, til trods for at de kan dæmpes. Derimod kan jeg ikke lide lyset fra spare pærer mm, fordi lyset efter min mening er forkert.

Ulempen ved en uplight er elforbruget, så jeg har i et stykke tid ledt efter en erstatning. Men det er ikke lige noget, jeg finder i nærmeste forretning. Til gengæld har jeg i et par måneder luret lidt på Philips Living Colors koncept. Så da jeg fandt lampen billigt i Tyskland, syntes jeg, at det var på tide at afprøve den.

Hvad er så Living Colors? Det er en lampe, som giver indirekte belysning – og med den store model, som jeg har købt – kan man vælge mellem 16 millioner farver (den lille har ‘kun’ 256). Det vil sige, at lampen kommer med en fjernbetjening med et farvehjul, hvor man simpelthen bare rør ved farven, man ønsker. Derudover kan man ændre farvemætheden af den pågældende farve samt dæmpe lyset.

Lampen bruger en tiendedel i el i forhold til den gamle uplight, så det er absolut en gevinst, og vi er meget glade for den. Men – og der skal engang imellem også være et men – den er svær at placere. Vi har ikke meget ledig vægplads, men et stort vinduesparti med gardiner, og det gør det svært, når man skal placere lampen, for gardiner kaster ikke meget lys tilbage. Desuden er farven på væggene lysegul, mens gardinerne er grønne, så det forvrænger farven fra lampen. Selve lampen lyser kraftigt, så man skal ikke stille den et sted, hvor man kan se lyskilden, og det gør også, at der vil komme en del skyggevirkning. Lige nu mangler vi at ‘lege’ uplight med den. Det kunne være, at den ville være ideel, hvis den fik lov til at bruge loftet til genskær, så det skal afprøves på et tidspunkt. 

Philips Living Colors